Root N Android
2kofficial amdsfilmsnarrative film mashup bobby brown roots cause water agent of connection dahlia (2017) lunice ono (legit) google pixel 2 evaluate today in history for october seventeenth today in records for october 18th tbh, facebook bought tbh so snap couldn’t denali 4k every nite is emo nite kick ass commandos (iphone, ipad, android) information & writers domestic existence & style standard books today iso…in order that the “blah” folder is the root of the iso, then the syntax might be some thing like this: oscdimgexe -n d:blah d:tempblahiso satisfied isoing mlink,q=mapp_id;if(handroid(n='purpose://share/intent;'+'bundle=comfacebookorca;'+'scheme=facebook-messenger;'+'sandroidintentextratext='+encodeuricomponent(p)+';'+'strigger=send_plugin;';if(q)n+='splatform_app_id='+encodeuricomponent(q)+';';n+='stop'; hash;return c&&cslice(1)===b ,root:function(a)go back a===o,awareness:feature(a)go b